Help Support and Hope
Rest Assured Online Op Shop

Shop online or In Store
We keep booked items for a week so that you can pick them up at a convenient time
With two stores in Auckland and an online shop that delivers nationwide, you can shop the way that suits your needs and lifestyle.
To deliver your favorite products, we have partnered with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong.

Visit us in Howick
Open hours
9:00 AM — 4:30 PM
Mon - Sat

Visit Us in Mt Roskill
Open hours
Daily 10:30AM — 5:00 PM
7 Days

Support Us
Our stores are a fun, caring environment and welcome new volunteers
Call the stores or email us to find out more

Our Membership is Free
Our members are people who believe in our vision
If you need our help, or want to show your support, you can join us now